7 Ways to Love Your Body Now
Treasure your treasures: you already have a ton
of awesome qualities. Write your assets down on a piece of paper; read them
aloud, post them around your house, have your partner read them to you. Remind
yourself of all of the beautiful qualities you already have about yourself-
body aside.
Create Self- Care: This should have probably
been number one. Take care of yourself; feed it when its hungry, stop when it’s
full, bathe, clean, and appreciate your body. Start practices that allow you to
really appreciate your body. Care for your body in ways you usually wouldn’t;
use a sugar scrub, take a bath, apply lotion, etc. Do this things and do them
Practice movement: Use your body in a way that
feels amazing to you. Not some dreading treadmill run, cross-fit work out, or
abs crunch routine. Dance in your kitchen, walk in your neighborhood,
pole-dance, take up a salsa class, feel flexible and exhilarated.
Dress to feel your best: Throw out the clothes
that make you feel confined, rigid, or to tight. Relax into flowy clothing,
clothing that allows you to move, feel free, and spacey.
Play: do what you LOVE to do whether that’s
arts, sports, writing, or walking. Don’t stop just because you don’t feel like
you have the body you want. WORK with that body you have NOW. That body can
still do all of those wonderful things; no matter the size.
Listen to your body: Are you hungry? Or maybe
you are just really tired. Really ask yourself ‘what do I need in this moment?’
Maybe a binge sounds good when in reality you need to rest.
Don’t isolate: This is huge. Many of us with
disordered eating habits or addictions tend to isolate. When we isolate we are
alone with our maladaptive thoughts and ourselves. Get out and experience life;
spend time with friends and family; get out of your head!
For me, its so easy to get locked into a head
space in which all I am thinking about the way I look, trying to look
better, and to please others. This gets me nowhere except face down into a tub
of ice cream, my bed, or onto the treadmill. Focus on what really gets you
going- what do you love to do? Also,
take a look at the emotion underneath your urges to engage in unhelpful
behavior such as binge eating, restricting, and over exercising. What are you
feeling right now? Do you feel unlovable? Unworthy? Isolated? These are all
feelings we cover up with the word ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’. When in reality the word
‘fat’ isn’t a feeling at all. It’s just our way of overlooking the real truth
of our feelings. So you feel unlovable? Ok, that’s OK. Accept this feeling and
then turn to something that brings you love, security, and joy such as being
around other people, spending time with the one’s you love, and experience
belonging and self care. Take care of
yourself in times like these and begin to experience love and joy in your own
body and life.
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